
Showing posts from April, 2020

4/29 assignment

The patricians and plebeians are two totally different groups of society in ancient Rome. The patricians were the wealthy ruler class. There were less patricians than there were plebeians. The plebeians are the common man, a farmer, an artisan. Pretty much any hardworking middle class job. Ancients Greece's version of this was the metics and the freedmen. The metics were like the patricians and the freedmen were like plebeians

4/28 assignment

Republic- A form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have the right to vote for their leader. Patrician- Wealthy landowners who held much of the power in the government. Plebeians- Common farmers, merchants, and artisans who made up most of the population. Tribunes- protected the rights of the plebeians from unfair acts of patrician officials. Consul- They are like kings, they commanded the army, and directed the government. But their power was limited. Senate- An aristocratic branch of Rome's government. Had two branches named the legislative and administrative branches. Dictator- A leader who had absolute power to make laws and to command the army. Their power only lasted for six months. Legions- Made up of 5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers. As well as a group of soldiers on horseback, being a Calvary. Punic Wars- A series of three wars between 264 and 146 B.C between Rome and Carthage. This war included very long lasting battles. Hannibal- A brillia...

essay outline

My essay question will be, "How were the three main ancient Greek philosophers all similar and different to each other?" In the first paragraph the essay will mention all three of the philosophers being Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. It will give a brief description of both and explain their main philosophies. The second paragraph will go into detail about how all of their thoughts went against what the Greek government was teaching by giving specific examples. The third paragraph will show the philosophers respective ideas went against each others, again by including specific examples. The fourth paragraph will explain where their teachings led them to. Basically what the outcome of their teachings on the community. The last paragraph will be a conclusion on all of the philosophers and restate the beginning thesis in a different way.

Objective questions

1. What was one of Pericles main goals for the Athenian society? To strengthen the Athenian democracy 2. What were the two types of dramas performed in ancient Greek theater Tragedy and comedy 3. What was the war between the city-state Athens and the Persian Empire called? Peloponnesian War 4. Out of these 4 names which was not an Ancient Greek philosopher; Plato, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Socrates Alexander the Great 5. What was the famous horse that Alexander the great rode into battle may times with named? Bucephalus

4/16 assignment

1. Forms are the ideal versions of the things and concepts that we see around us. A sort of instruction manual to our own world. Every idea has an ideal form. 2. Producers, the military, and the rulers. 3. Women were equally able to rule in Plato's model utopian city. But then at some points he likened them to children as well as saying that the women's womb could move her body causing illness. 4. We are all born with gold, silver, and mixture of brass or iron in our souls which determine our roles in life.

4/15 assignment

Bucephalus the great horse of Alexander Served his great commander He was mighty and strong He fought hard and long Bucephalus came along by chance And he didn't wear any pants Although he perished in Punjab He lived a life that was not drab

assignment #10 4/2/20

To me this Greek building appears to be a sort of coliseum or place for large gatherings. It includes many columns around the entrance to make for a grand entrance. It is also elevated off the ground and requires steps to reach it which gives it an elevated look. This appears to be a worn  down Ancient Greek building that used columns as its main supports. it appears that roof is just laying on top of the columns and if the columns were to collapse the roof would as well. it appears that has already happened on the left side of the building when facing front.

assignment #9 4/1/20

1. The two types of theater performed in ancient theatre were tragedies and comedies. Tragedy was serious drama about common themes that pertained to what was going in the ancient world. The tragedy was most always about hero who had a downfall of some sort. A comedy performed in ancient times contained scenes filled with slapstick situations as well as crude humor. These comedies were often performed to provide relief to the audience in ancient times 2. Gladiator and Oresteia can be compared to each other as they both are tragedies and provide a deepened look inside one character for most of the production. They provide a developing story throughout the play and a conflict that drives the storyline. I personally enjoy Gladiator very much because it has a great battle at the end which is your typical Ancient Greece story. 3.    To me this theater appears one mainly for just watching productions. As it only has half of a bowl and the seats are extr...