essay outline

My essay question will be, "How were the three main ancient Greek philosophers all similar and different to each other?" In the first paragraph the essay will mention all three of the philosophers being Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. It will give a brief description of both and explain their main philosophies. The second paragraph will go into detail about how all of their thoughts went against what the Greek government was teaching by giving specific examples. The third paragraph will show the philosophers respective ideas went against each others, again by including specific examples. The fourth paragraph will explain where their teachings led them to. Basically what the outcome of their teachings on the community. The last paragraph will be a conclusion on all of the philosophers and restate the beginning thesis in a different way.


  1. This sounds interesting, Griffin. Be original - I don't want to see straight-out-of-the-text transcription. Do some original thinking and writing - you're a smart person!


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