assignment #8 3/30/20

I have read, analyzed, and comprehended what Mr. Schick has written on his blog for today's assignment. I feel like I have done a good job of not breaking the academic honor code and keeping my integrity throughout this stay at home period. Now that Governor Larry Hogan has just issued  stay-home directive for the state of Maryland I have finally come to realize that this may be our new reality for a good bit of time. I have used this time appreciate everything that I have in life. This time also makes me realize that a lot of other things in the world such as spots, movies, and tv shows are not necessary in life and are only secondary priorities. I also believe that I have not given into the temptation to lack off of my work and not do it well. I wake every morning and get y work every day before 4 o clock which allows me to have free time after my work just like it would be after a school day and I would have baseball practice. In conclusion, I believe I have taken this break well and will continue to appreciate this time and do good work.


  1. Good attitude, Griffin. Keep up with your baseball regimen - still important, even in this upside-down world.


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